Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

Hamas Summer Camp Trains Youth To Become Terrorists?

Hamas released a video this year showing their summer camp where it trains thousands of middle and high school students.

In the video, the militant group displays their actual military exercises teaching youth religion classes and training them how to kill and scouting.

It is believed that these annual summer exercises are behind the kidnappings, terror attacks and terror indoctrination, and their main purpose is to make these children to become auxiliary force for future encounter with Israel.

Hamas is well-known for inducing  ideologies to Palestinian children and inciting violence against Israel where young ones are used as messengers and couriers and worst- suicide bombers.

The International law says on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, that it prohibits Non-state actors and guerrilla forces from recruiting anyone under the age of 18 for any purpose.

Under The Optional Protocol in 2002 it was stated that "States Parties shall take all feasible measures to ensure that members of their armed forces who have not attained the age of 18 years do not take a direct part in hostilities".

Children at these ages should be in school and play games with friends.They should be given the right to cherish moments with their loved ones and families.

War and conflict corrupt their morals and affect their ability to integrate in the society.With slight disagreement, violence is their only way to achieve their wants.

Their moral development is not yet completed.Thus, they are easy target from influence and indoctrination because they tend to listen to older persons or authorities.

When send to wars they are easily killed because they lack the ability to determined risks and cannot asses invulnerabilities.

Though this paramilitary thought that they are raising future defenders of Palestine; USA, Israel, Britain and the European Union view the group as a terrorist organization.

Watch the video.

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